Document your remote sites

Control and share knowledge of your technical and industrial facilities

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Discover Spherik

The visual, collaborative, and maintainable platform for spatialized documentation of remote facilities

Iris Scan Search Streamline Icon: Inventory your industrial resources

Create comprehensive and visual documentation of your industrial sites and equipment, a foundation for evolving and transferable knowledge.

Multiple Users 1 Streamline Icon: Involve your teams

With Spherik, you can streamline knowledge sharing, facilitate communication, and provide a collaboration tool for operators, work teams, and maintenance teams.

Target Center 2 Streamline Icon: Improve plant profitability

Reduce your costs by optimizing the use and maintenance of your industrial facilities.

Create Virtual Tours With Ease

Simple mapping of your industrial sites

Using your 360° images, design your virtual tours in just a few clicks and with complete autonomy!

Target Center 2 Streamline Icon: Supported media.
Import all types of photographs into the virtual tour editor: from panoramic images taken with consumer 360° cameras to photos taken with your smartphone!
Multiple Users 1 Streamline Icon: Navigation.
Add navigation points throughout your virtual tour and access different views.
Iris Scan Search Streamline Icon: Customization.
Enhance the rendering of your virtual tour with various customization features offered by the editor.
feature 1

Enhance your virtual tours

Precise documentation of your technical and business data

Your infrastructures are complex, ever-evolving places. With our editor, add and update your facilities' operating data for a constantly updated inventory!

Information Circle Streamline Icon: Points of interest.
Document your virtual tour by providing all the information about your equipment with photos, pdf files, hyperlinks, or information notes.
Graph Stats Ascend Streamline Icon: Evolution.
Works, machine changes, new installations... At any time, update your virtual tour by adding photos or points of interest!
feature 1

Share your virtual tours

Information transmission and daily collaboration

The virtual tour is an accessible and collaborative medium for your teams. Share your data and authorize contributions easily within your company.

Maps Pin 2 Streamline Icon: Consultation.
Easily provide access to all virtual tours of your sites and facilities.
Multiple Users 1 Streamline Icon: Contribution.
Optimize the knowledge of your resources by inviting your collaborators to enrich the virtual tours of your infrastructures.
Phone Hand Hold Streamline Icon: Accessibility.
From any connected device, offer your teams an innovative information support, while avoiding unnecessary travel to your sites.
feature 1

Master the data of your virtual tours

Managing your data is our top priority

The data used to create your virtual tours belongs to you and should benefit from the best hosting and security options.

App Window Home Streamline Icon: Hosting and security.
The choice is yours: we offer different solutions for hosting our application and your business data: shared hosting, dedicated server, or hosting on your own servers.
User Idea Streamline Icon: Ownership.
Your data and creations remain your property. We do not exploit your virtual tours and you can retrieve your creations at any time.
feature 1

Our best advocates

Talk about Spherik

“We use virtual tours created with Spherik to prepare our construction sites, and collaborate with the various departments in EDF. This tool allows us to reduce our travels and better prepare for them. Support and engineering services now have a more visual support rather than a simple photo to exchange with operators. The solution offered by vrtice is innovative in its simple use.”

avatar Patty

Matthieu Patty

MOE Support Coordinator

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“Agencies now have a simple and innovative tool to efficiently gather all information related to a site or a technical room, and to get an overview of its layout and equipment. It is also a very powerful communication tool for our clients to promote transparency, and for our suppliers to quickly obtain data or a quote.”

avatar Brenot

Luc Brenot

Head of The Expertise and Innovation Support Unit

logo Engie Solutions

“By choosing Spherik, we have given ourselves the means to better showcase and optimize the institute's scientific and technical assets. The immersive mapping of our infrastructures and equipment serves as a concrete reference to support the challenges of sharing our facilities to the entire scientific community.”

avatar Malleville

Julien Malleville

Valorization Mission Officer

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